Welcome to Discovering the Male Mysteries with Mel Mystery. This podcast is for and about gay and bi pagan men. My podcasts are about what it is to be gay, what it is to be pagan, what it is to be men

Friday Jun 11, 2021
Episode 20 - After Death Communication
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
In this episode I talk about my personal experiences with messages and signs from a deceased friend. My experiences led me to read the book "Hello from Heaven" by Bill Guggenheim and Judy Guggenheim. While initially reluctant to read the book because the title sounded "Christian," I decided to read the book anyway. There is no Christian agenda in the book, and the authors refer to "Heaven" as higher planes of existence after death. They did research into the topic with surveys of over many years. While admittedly, the majority of respondents were either Christian or Jewish, and their religion colors their experiences, the authors do a great job of outlining 12 distinct types of After Death Communications (ADC's) that can be experienced from deceased loved ones. I give a summary of each type in this episode.
Song clips:
- "Hello (from the Other Side)
- "Shut Up and Dance"
- "Haunt You"
Links relevant to this show:
Hello from Heaven Book- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_from_Heaven!
Mel Mystery website -- www.melmystery.com
Arcadia Camp Out, October 8-10, 2021 -- http://www.olympuscampgroundresort.com/index.php/events/arcadia
Brotherhood by the Bog Retreat - http://www.olympuscampgroundresort.com/index.php/events/brotherhood-by-the-bog-pagan-men-s-retreat
Tomás Prower (Author of Queer Magic and Morbid Magic) - https://www.tomasprower.com/

Monday Apr 27, 2020
Episode 19: Your Magickal Playlist
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
In this episode, I talk about using music in your magick spells, rituals, and other works. I discuss creating a magickal playlist and what types of music you might want to include. There is also a segment on the Greek Goddess of male-male love -- Aphrodite Urania.
Songs featured include: Music (Madonna), Venus (Bananarama), and We are a Circle (Pagan chant).
Web links:
My website – www.melmystery.com
Arcadia Gathering -- www.olympuscampgroundresort.com/index.php/events/arcadia
Brotherhood by the Bog -- www.olympuscampgroundresort.com/index.php/events/brotherhood-by-the-bog-pagan-men-s-retreat
Stone and Stang – www.stoneandstang.com
Between the Worlds – www.betweentheworlds.org

Monday Jul 15, 2019
Episode 18: Discovering Arcadia
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Monday Jul 15, 2019
This episode is about the magickal land of Arcadia in ancient Greece, its theme as a metaphor for a homosexual utopia among 19th century homosexual men, and it being the name for a new gathering for gay and bi Pagan men on the East Coast.
The rustic, wooded land of Arcadia was home to Greek gods such as Zeus, Hermes, and Pan, as well as satyrs, centaurs, nymphs, and other magickal creatures. The “gay god” segment of this episode will focus on the Greek god Pan.
The Arcadia gathering is scheduled to take place October 9-12, 2019 in Cumberland, Virginia.
Web links:
Arcadia Gathering, Virginia -- http://www.olympuscampgroundresort.com/index.php/events/arcadia
Between the Worlds Gathering, Ohio -- http://betweentheworlds.org/
Stone and Stang Gathering, California -- http://stoneandstang.com/

Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Episode 17B: The Conspiracy Show Part 2
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
This is a continuation of the “conspiracy” episode. Part one came out in January. In this episode, I’ll be talking more about the Web Bot and possible biases in the algorithm. I’ll be exploring why conspiracy theorists are so obsessed with pedophilia. And I’ll be explaining my own system for evaluating conspiracy theories.
Music: Somebody’s Watching Me (Rockwell), I’ve Got a Theory (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Web links:
Brotherhood by the Bog Pagan Men's Retreat
Arcadia Gathering for Gay and Bi Pagan Men
Yes Artificial Intelligence is Racist
Artificial Intelligence is Racist, sexist

Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Episode 17A: The Conspiracy Show Part 1
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Today's episode is all about conspiracy theories -- why we love them, some of the more popular theories, and how right-wing conservatives are a hotbed of conspiracy theories during the Trump presidency. We'll also explore my friend David's wild "conspiracy" theories about North Dakota.
Part 2 will be coming out soon!
Music: X-files theme
Web links:
Brotherhood by the Bog Pagan Men's Retreat
Arcadia Gathering for Gay and Bi Pagan Men

Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Episode 16: The Superhero Show
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
This episode includes segments on Pagan and magickal superhero archetypes, LGBT superheroes including characters and actors, "research" into naughty superhero sites, and why do villains so often have gay voices and mannerisms.
Songs and soundclips include: Holding Out for a Hero, the Smallville theme, and clips from Spiderman, Batman, and others.

Monday Oct 23, 2017
Episode 15: Between the Worlds
Monday Oct 23, 2017
Monday Oct 23, 2017
Review of my visit to the Between the Worlds Gathering for Queer Pagan Men the week of September 11-15, 2017.
Sound clips from Buffy and Bewitched.
Drumming music from the Betweenthe Worlds last night drum circle.

Tuesday Apr 11, 2017
Episode 14: The Update Show
Tuesday Apr 11, 2017
Tuesday Apr 11, 2017
Retreats and Gatherings including the Hero's Adventure, Querent, and Between the Worlds - The Gay Guy's Guide to Werewolves book - LGBTQ Werewolf Workshop at Marscon - Mel's Photography - Alternatives HR website -- Activism - Groups including the New Order of Chaeronea and the Order of the Stone Circle - Mel's big project - Personal updates
Music Clips include: 9-to-5 - Do the Werebear - Green Acres
Links related to this show:
Brotherhood by the Bog Pagan Men's Retreat -- http://www.orderofthestonecircle.org/index.php/events/annual-men-s-retreat
Querent - https://www.querent.org/
Between the Worlds Gathering -- http://www.betweentheworlds.org/
Mel's Bookstore - http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/melmystery
Marscon - http://www.marscon.net/wp/
Mel's Photography site - http://www.matrixwerx.com/
Alternatives HR - http://www.alternativeshr.com/
New Order of Chaeronea - http://www.melmystery.com/index.php/new-order-of-chaeronea
Order of the Stone Circle - http://www.orderofthestonecircle.org/

Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
Episode 13B - 50 Shades of Gay
Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
In 50 Shades of Gay Part 2, I share personal news including updates on my new book "The Gay Guy's Guide to Werewolves and Other Man Beasts," a local Pagan men's retreat I helped put together, the new Querent Queer Spirituality Conference put together by the folks who brought you Coph Nia, and my personal memories of home.
The main segment focuses on alternatives to traditional heteronormative relationships including simply living together, civil unions, serial monogamy, casual monogamy, open relationships, Bromances, Boston marriages, BDSM lifestyles, intergenerational relationships, long distance and Living Apart Together relationships, hiring escorts, and being happily single.
The Fairy Facts segment talks about a 19th century secret society for homosexuals called the Order of Chaeronea who believed that love in all its forms is sacred.

Tuesday Oct 27, 2015
Episode 13A - 50 Shades of Gay
Tuesday Oct 27, 2015
Tuesday Oct 27, 2015
In this episode, I give an update of what's been happening in the news and what I've been up to since the last episode - this includes the progress I've made on my LGBT werewolf book that will be available for sale soon.
I give my review of the 50 Shades of Grey movie that some, even in the LGBT community, have considered controversial.
I talk about the traditional marriage and whether LGBT folks should be supporting such a narrow definition of marriage. I talk about Biblical marriage - it's not what many people think. I also talk about the history of marriage and the history of formalized same-sex commitments in various ancient cultures.
In part 2 of this episode, coming out soon, I will be talking about other types of relationship structures LGBT folks might take part in including: BDSM relationships, polyamory, intergenerational relationships, and more.